The Borough of New Stanton Government consists of seven Councilpersons, an elected Mayor and various appointed positions.
Council members serve on committees, which oversee the care and maintenance of the Borough.
Mayor : Mr. Thomas Smith - Term expires 12/31/2025
Council President: Mr. Jeffrey Kerr - Term expires 12/31/2027
Council Vice President: Mrs. Edwina Zack - Term expires 12/31/2025
Council Pro-Tem: Mr. Todd Bartlow - Term expires 12/31/2027
Councilman: - Mr. Cory Thoma - Term expires 12/31/2026
Councilman: - Mr. Timothy Seale - Term expires 12/31/2027
Councilman: - Mr. Scott Miller - Term expires 12/31/2026
Councilwoman: Mrs. Marissa Wall - Term expires 12/31/2026