New Stanton Borough Tax Office Hours
Tax Office is CLOSED in January, February, and July
Thursday 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
**Closed on Federal Holidays**
Additional Office Hours other than Thursdays
Saturday, April 26, 2025 8:00 am to 10:00 am
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 5: 30 pm to 8:00 pm
Saturday, September 27, 2025 8:00 am to 10:00 am
Tuesday, September 30, 2025 5: 30 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuesday, December 30, 2025 5: 30 pm t5o 8:00 pm
Dear New Stanton Borough Property Owner,
Please note that all property tax notices are mailed to the property owner(s) address as listed on County Tax Records. If your property is mortgaged with an escrow account, please promptly send or deliver this tax notice to your financial institution and monitor for payment from your escrow account. This method best “informs and protects” the property owner(s) and also permits financial institutions the flexibility to receive a duplicate tax notice. Please promptly notify Westmoreland County Tax Office of address changes using the form on the their website. Here is the link to the form:
click for Change of Address Form
Note: Property tax payments not received and/or post-marked by December 31st are turned over to Westmoreland County as required.
Please make check payable to Heather Clawson, Tax Collector for the exact tax amount due and mail to:
Heather Clawson, Tax Collector - P.O. Box 328 - New Stanton, PA 15672
Note: Payments are accepted by Check or Money Order ONLY [No cash] and must be received and/or postmarked by the “due date”. A separate check is required for each property tax as listed: (1) County-Local payment(s) (2) School payment(s) (3) Each Supplemental Tax [blue] payment(s). **If you elect to receive a paid receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope**
Special Note for Financial Institutions/Third Party Service Providers: When requesting/paying property tax without a copy of a tax notice, a tax duplicate fee of $5.00 per parcel payable to Heather Clawson applies.
Please remit separate checks for:
1) County-Local Tax Payments; 2) School Tax Payments; 3) Each Supplemental Tax Payment; 4) Duplicate Tax Notice Fee.
For your convenience, financial institutions may pay multiple property taxes by category using one check so long as a list is provided itemizing the property owner name, parcel id, address, and amount of payment.
Please make certain to verify that the payment is correct and the check(s) totals are correct. It is highly suggested for financial institutions to send in tax payment(s) two weeks before the DUE DATE.
This allows for time to correct any possible issue in the event of a discrepancy.
Please send a written request identifying:
Property Owner(s)
Property Address
Control #
Map #
Parcel #
Name of proposed buyer (if applicable)
Contact information including Name / Address / Contact Person / Phone Number / Email Address for Company or Contact Person
Including email can expedite urgent requests
Remit check for $20.00 per parcel payable in advance
Include self addressed stamped envelope.
Mailing Address: Heather Clawson, Tax Collector; P.O. Box 328, New Stanton, PA 15672
Tax Certification via Email:
When requesting a Tax certification, please include all pertinent information along with a copy of a check for $20.00.
CHECK MUST BE MADE PAYABLE to Heather Clawson and mailed to P.O. Box 328; New Stanton, PA 15672
and the information will be provided via email or fax.
Check Payment Guide
Tax Office "service" related requests for Tax Certification/Tax Duplicates [copies] are to be received and paid for at least 10 days in advance [payable to Heather Clawson] to assure you receive information in time for a loan closing. No exceptions.
Multiple Tax payments are permitted on one check for each category listed below.
Separate Checks are required for each category as listed below.
1) County & Local Tax payment(s)
2) School Tax payment(s)
3) Supplemental County/Local Tax payment(s) [blue]
4) Supplemental School Tax payment(s) [blue]
Fee Schedule
Tax Certification $20.00 per parcel payable in advance
Tax Duplicate [copies] $ 5.00 per parcel / per Tax Type - payable in advance
Return Item Deposit Fee $20.00 [plus reimbursement of Bank Service Fee assessed]) Tax Certification Service Fee per parcel - $20.00 payable in advance when requesting tax record information.
For Property Tax Payments: make check payable to: Heather Clawson, Tax Collector
For Tax Office Services Certifications/Duplicates: make check payable to: Heather Clawson
**If you elect to receive a paid receipt, please include a self-addresses stamped envelope**
Due Dates Spring (County/Local Tax) Fall (School Tax)
Discount April 30th September 30th
Face June 30th November 30th
Penalty Added July 1st Added December 1st
[Note: Payment must be received and/or postmarked by the due date.]
School Real Estate Tax Installment Plan
For the real estate tax levied by the School District, other than interim real estate tax, taxpayers may elect an installment payment option under the following rules:
Installment Payment Dates: A taxpayer electing the installing payment option may pay the real estate tax in three (3) equal installment payments of one-third (1/3) of the full tax amount. The installments are due on or before September 30, October 31 and November 30 of the year which the tax is levied. Any installments not paid by these dates is delinquent.
Taxpayer election of Installment payment option: Payment of the first installment by September 30 will constitute taxpayer election to pay tax installments. Installment payment is permitted only if the taxpayer elects by paying the first installment in full by September 30. If the taxpayer fails to meet this requirement, the full amount of the real estate tax is due on or before November 30 and the real estate is delinquent if not paid on or before November 30.
No Discount: No discount applies to installment payments.
Penalty on delinquent installments: If a taxpayer makes the first installment payment by September 30 and fails to pay in full any subsequent installment by the due date, the installment not paid by the due date is delinquent and a penalty will be added to the tax in the amount of ten percent [10%] of the amount of the installment not paid by the installment due date, without regard to any partial payment of the installment.
Effective date: This plan became effective July 1, 2012 and will continue in effect thereafter for the real estate taxes levied for the school year beginning July 1, 2012 and for real estate taxes levied for future tears until amended or repealed.
Tax Appeal / Exemption Forms
Important Notice: Deadline to File Appeal/Exemption Application is August 1st Annually
The Deadline to file Annual and Exemption Appeal Applications is August 1st of each year for following {next} year's property taxes.
Applications may be downloaded from the Westmoreland County website. The link for the form is listed below:
Please complete, sign, and date the application prior to mailing or bringing it in person. [Faxes and emails are NOT ACCEPTED.]
You may call the Tax Assessment Office at 724.830.3409 to have the application mailed to you.
Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays.
Rules of the appeal procedure are available on the website and are sent with the Appeal Application.
File by August 1st each year appealing the next years property taxes.
Mail To: Tax Assessment Office
Attn: Appeals
40 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite # 440
Courthouse Extension Building
Greensburg, PA 15601
Tax Office Physical Address
New Stanton Borough Building; 318 Paintersville Road, New Stanton, PA 15672
[Turn at Bruster's Ice Cream "Traffic Signal"]
Tax Office Mailing Address
Heather Clawson, Tax Collector; P.O. Box 328, New Stanton, PA 15672
Tax Collector Contact Methods
Telephone: 724-925-9700 extension 6
[If no answer, please leave a voicemail message and I will respond as soon as possible.]
Fax: 724-925-2709
Mailing address: Heather Clawson, Tax Collector; P.O. Box 328, New Stanton, PA 15672
Please visit the New Stanton website at for the most current information.