Tax Rate Information             

Millage Rates as of 8/1/2024 [subject to change annually]:

Borough General Tax                       .00200
Borough Special Tax                        .00100
Borough Fire Fighting Tax               .00100
County General                               .02500

County Debt Service .00348

School - Hempfield                          .09076

Calculating Your Tax:                       1 mil = 1/1000th of a dollar (.001)  
Example: you own property assessed at $80,000 - each mil for your property is equal
to $80 ($80,000 x .001 = $80) At a rate of 10 mils you would owe $800 (10 x 80 = $800)
Borough General Tax Example:      $20,000 Assessed Value X .00200 = $40.00  

Millage Table - click here to find out how much your taxes are - just enter the assessed value